We are designers!
Last week in DT we were testing the strength of different shapes. We made a triangular prism, a cuboid and and a cylinder and placed books on them to see how strong they were.
The cylinder was the strongest because it held 36 books before it collapsed.
This everyone made a cylinder and we put 6 together to make a superstructure to see if it would be stronger. It held 175 books! Everyone was very excited to see how strong just 6 bits a card could be!
Then we put 24 cylinders together and tested if it was strong enough to stand on! We were amazed to find out it was! Although, it did collapse when Mr McGriffiths stood on it!!
Help at home by asking your child how to make a cylinder using card and tape. You could also think about your design for your chair for baby bear!
Living and Learning: relationships
For the last few weeks, our Living and Learning lessons and circle times have been all about happy and healthy relationships between our friends, peers and families.
Here we thought about different words that we associate with families and we read some texts about how not all families are the same and that is ok. The children enjoyed sharing special members of their family.
The Great big book of families by Mary Hoffman
We have already learnt about consent in terms of permission seeking when online but here we thought about it when we are with others. We practised showing how we give and don’t give consent and how we can also change our mind if we want to.
Finally, you will have seen the children have brought home the NSPCC Pants Underwear rule. We revisit this important learning every year.
Help at home: read the NSPCC pants underwear rule with your child/children and think about how this keeps you safe. This parent guide is available too.
Maths Murder Mystery
On Monday, some of Year 6 did something different in Maths: we solved a murder mystery!
The class were given some problem solving clues and had to figure out who the killer was. The clues involved different capacities such as litres and millilitres, grams and kilograms and centimetres.
The final question involved finding the area of biscuits, revealing that the murderer had been Daphne. Well done to the whole class as they figured it out!
Help at home by including your child in cooking and baking so that they are used to different measurements.
Allerton Grange: Inter-Primary School Sports Day
This week, 32 of our Y5s and Y6s took part in an inter-primary school sports day at Allerton Grange High School.
Events included; obstacle, relay, sprint, 1/2 lap, a full lap and more! Everybody tried their best and had lots of fun!
Well done to everyone for finishing fourth, too!
Here are some pictures of us in action!
Super skippers
Today, the day had finally come. It was the event we had been building up to after all our skipping practising – the Year 2 Skipping Festival!
Jodi, Chris and Katie welcomed us and the other four schools to the event at Leeds Trinity University. First of all, there was a skipping warm up for everyone before the individual skippers did their events. The children were so encouraging and supportive to their class mates and every child tried their best and performed amazingly well.
Next, it was time for the group events. The children worked so well together in their teams and once again, we were so proud of what they have achieved. Even in the last few days, we have seen some of the children mastering these new skills.
Finally, it was time for the results. The tension was mounting.
We were so pleased to have received so many awards and to hear that we were the winning school made all the hard work and preparation worth while. What an achievement!
The children have been so resilient, determined and have definitely believed in themselves (even when it has been hard learning new skills) and we are very proud of them all.
Writing – generating ideas!
Today, Year 4 had a fantastic lesson generating ideas for their next spooky narrative! We worked in groups to get as many ideas down as possible so that tomorrow, we are ready to begin planning our individual stories.
The purpose of a narrative is to interest and entertain the reader by telling a story. Our narratives are going to jump straight into the action by beginning with dialogue. We’ve spent a long time perfecting writing direct speech so Year 4 are excited!
The scene will be set in a dark, forbidden forest during the night and either themselves and a friend or fictional characters will be trying to navigate their way through the forest safely… However, there might be some scary plot twists along the way.
Have a look at what we thought of!
Production – Porridge!
Hi everybody!
Please make sure you bring your costumes and props outlined in last week’s letter to school no later than Monday 26th June. If you don’t have any of the items listed for your role, please let an adult in Y5 or 6 know before this Friday.
Keep practising your lines at home and get into the character you are portraying!
Thanks everyone!
Living and learning: RSE
Last week in Living and Learning, Year 3 were learning all about pants from Pantosaurus!
While we had a lot of fun singing along, the lesson carried a very important message. We had a very mature conversation about how what is in our pants is private and what to do if someone makes us feel uncomfortable.
Help at home by reading the NSPCC guidance on how to speak to your child about pants.
Summer 2: Week 2
To help get us thinking about the seaside, we read lots of seaside poems collected by Jill Bennett. For our writing activity, we wrote a sentence about things we might see or do at the seaside.
On Wednesday, we looked at some at a photograph of Scarborough and talked about the things we might see at the seaside that we don’t see in Leeds. We then thought about things they have in common.
You can’t see seaweed in Leeds.
You can’t see the sea in Leeds.
You can’t see a lighthouse in Leeds.
I can’t see a hermit crab in Leeds.
Leeds and the seaside have fish and chips.
You can see some beach huts at the seaside.
You can have ice cream in both places.
You can see hotels in Leeds and at the seaside.
Splish, splash, splosh!
We had lots of fun getting wet (and cooling down) in our very own paddling pool.
This week, in Foot-Tech, we continued to play 4 corner tag. Each group were asked to set up their squares independently – I was so impressed with how well they did this! When playing the game, they were fantastic at negotiating space, changing direction and coming up with their own tactics to trick the tagger.
One of the chilli challenges this week, was to make a jelly fish. Cutting the material for the tentacles was quite tricky.
Poetry picnic
This week, we’ve been learning the nursery rhyme The Big Ship Sails…
Check out their amazing singing!
Stay safe in the sun!
It looks like the glorious weather is here to stay for a little bit longer. Please continue to make sure you apply sun lotion to your child before school. This stops us from missing any learning time. Thank you to everyone that has done that this week.
Don’t forget to attend the Reception to Y1 transition parent Zoom on Monday.
Living and learning: relationships
For the past fortnight we have been thinking about healthy and happy relationships in Living and Learning. We have discussed what makes a healthy relationship and how we can be good friends to each other.
In this week’s lesson we talked about caring for each other. We discussed different stages of life and who might need the most care. We thought babies, children and the elderly might need more care but we also discussed that people of different ages need different types of care. There are lots of ways we can show we care for someone. Here are some of the examples that the children came up with:
I care for my teachers by making good choices.
I care for my friends by looking after them when they are hurt.
I care for my friends by helping them.
I care for my family by helping at home.
We all thought of ways we could show that we care for people over the next week.
Help at home by talking to your children about how they can care for different members of your family or community.