Year 1 Class News

A sentence looks like this.

Posted on Wednesday 25 March 2015 by Mrs Taylor

This was one of the key messages from the theatre production today based around the Gruffalo story.  We, as the audience, helped to create a story by choosing the correct punctuation and looking at when to use it.  Some great adjectives, for characters and settings, were suggested to improve the writing.  We also learnt an important message about cheating – the best story rightly won in the end.

Hopefully this will inspire lots of budding story writers.









































Fascinating fingerprints

Posted on Wednesday 25 March 2015 by Mrs Taylor

As part of our themed week, Year 1 found our whether they had loops, arches and/or whorls on their fingerprints.









































































Super scientists

Posted on Tuesday 24 March 2015 by Mrs Taylor

Year 1 have been biologists, physicians and chemists as part of our themed week.  We can predict, question, plan, discuss our results and conclusions.

What will happen when the lemon juice invisible ink pictures are dried and placed in the oven?















Will the water and marbles stay in the bucket?
































You could try these at home!

Maths all around us

Posted on Monday 23 March 2015 by Mrs Taylor

Maths can be found all around us and Year 1 completed a maths trail as part of our themed week.

  • Can you find an array?
  • What shape is the bench?
  • What is the height of the bin?









































Puzzling puzzles

Posted on Monday 23 March 2015 by Mrs Taylor

Reception class and Year 1 began our current themed week with some problem solving mathematical puzzles with The Happy Puzzle Company.

With lots of teamwork, thinking skills and resilience, we enjoyed the challenge of all the puzzles.


































































Building the dream

Posted on Thursday 05 March 2015 by Mrs Weekes

Iggy Peck, Architect inspired Year 1 to become architects themselves today.  World Book Day was celebrated with drawings, thoughts, painting and actual building.  Iggy Peck built towers out of nappies (dirty ones!) – you will be glad to hear we didn’t do that but we did construct our own structures:










We did some sketches and line drawings:



…and we did some printing:


What a creative day!

School council elections

Posted on Wednesday 04 February 2015 by Mrs Taylor

Our current school councillors held their final meeting recently as we prepare to elect our new school council.

Children from every class, including Reception, are encouraged to prepare a speech to present to their class as part of the election process.  Our whole school homework before the election date will give children the chance to plan their speech.

Thank you to our existing school council who have been involved with many decisions and discussions throughout the year.  Most recently they have selected books for our library and pupil prizes as rewards in class.

Thanks for coming to our class assembly…

Posted on Monday 26 January 2015 by Mr Roundtree

…and thanks for your compliments!  Here are just three of them…

  • “Very entertaining assembly.  Impressed by how talented the class are.”
  • “Lovely assembly – kids had great fun sharing their talents with the school.”
  • “Good work by Year 1 – very committed performances by all the children.”

Time travel

Posted on Tuesday 20 January 2015 by Mrs Taylor

Our new whole school Big Topic, Time Travel, got underway today with Year 1 and 2 focussing on houses and homes.

The first challenge was to work as a group to put the different types of houses in chronological order according to when they were built.  There was lots of discussion about what the houses looked like and what they were made of.  The next task was to match the inside of the house to the outside.

The first types of houses we investigated were Celtic houses and we concluded that houses certainly have changed over time.








Talented Year 1

Posted on Sunday 11 January 2015 by Mrs Taylor

This half term our SEAL theme is Good to be me.  For homework, this week, Year 1 have been asked to discuss, Why is it good to be you? What is your talent?

We will be discussing this homework in our SEAL lesson on Wednesday and it would be great if your child could bring in anything to support this homework (for example: a recorder, swimming certificates) on Wednesday as this will feed into our upcoming class assembly on Thursday 22 January.

We’re looking forward to hearing all about these talents.