Year 1 Class News

Health heroes

Posted on Wednesday 12 March 2014 by Mrs Taylor

This weekend, 15 and 16 March, at Eureka, there is a very topical health heroes Dragon’s Den event…

Meet some of the most important health heroes of the past at our humorous, playful and interactive Dragon’s Den style sessions.

  • Why Florence Nightingale was the original ‘forces sweetheart’?
  • Did Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin by accident?
  • Why should we thank Louis Pasteur for healthy milk on our cereal?

Who’ll win your backing? You decide!




Superhero yoga moves…and some relaxation

Posted on Monday 03 March 2014 by Mrs Taylor

As part of our big topic, Heroes, Year 1 took part in a hero-themed yoga session.  After thinking about what is a hero, what makes a hero and who are heroes we became superheroes by using our bodies to do a variety of yoga postures.
















































































































How can sitting on a bus make you a hero?

Posted on Sunday 09 February 2014 by Mrs Weekes

There was a lady in America who was arrested for not giving her seat up on a bus.  She was a black American lady and she was arrested because she did not give up her seat for a white man.

Why is she a hero?

She is a hero because she fought for the rights of black people in America.  Here are some photos of Y1 doing some drama while learning about Rosa Parks.

Challenge Corner

Posted on Sunday 09 February 2014 by Mrs Weekes

Challenges in Maths have been welcomed by the Year 1 children – they are always up for a challenge!  There are different challenges in this corner over two weeks; they will relate to some learning that the children have already done but will extend their thinking even more.  These challenges should develop the children’s independence while pushing their learning even further.

How many will you get?

Posted on Sunday 09 February 2014 by Mrs Weekes

There has been some tricky maths going on in Year 1. Grouping and sharing, the beginnings of division, has had the brains ticking more than ever.  Lots of practical work and some very resilient attitudes have shown that we can divide in Year 1.

An energetic start to the new year

Posted on Sunday 12 January 2014 by Mrs Taylor

Year 1 have been very active in their first week back with our new PE lessons for this half term.  In the first of our two weekly PE lessons, we are working with Mr Lynch, a local dance teacher, to develop our movement and dance skills.  By the end of the first lesson there were some great partner performances showing a range of actions.






























Our second weekly PE lesson is with Mr Catherall, one of our teaching assistants and also a qualified sports coach, who is developing our skills needed for invasion games such as basketball, rugby, football and others.  Ask your child how they use their sticky pads!

PE is usually Monday and Tuesday so please ensure your child has their PE kit at school, to get the most out of these lessons.

After school-club availability Spring term

Posted on Tuesday 07 January 2014 by Mrs Taylor

We have the following spaces available on the upcoming after-school clubs:


  • Shuffles KS2 FREE 8 places available
  • Art KS1 £20 Full


  • Sports multi-fit KS1 FREE 3 places available
  • Dance and Drama KS2 FREE 5 places available


  • Cookery KS1 £20 Full
  • Dodgeball KS2 FREE Full


  • French KS1 £20 10 places available
  • Scratch Code Club £20 Full


  • TSC football places available

To book your child a place on one of these clubs, please complete the booking form and return to the office by Thursday 09 January 2014.

To book your child onto the TSC Football club, visit TSC direct and follow their booking process.

The TSC Football club starts on 24 January. All other clubs start week commencing 13 January 2014.

Phew… time for a rest!

Posted on Thursday 19 December 2013 by Mrs Weekes

We’re not surprised that Year 1 are looking wan and tired! They have put a lot of effort into their learning and as a result they are making excellent progress.

Here are some of the highlights of the term:

  • Welcome to Zia; you have settled really well and have made lots of friends.
  • Well done to Josh, Gabby, Lori, Nicky, Lewis and Filip for making great progress in writing.
  • Pia, Mia, Martha and Humairah have shown great social skills and show that they understand others.
  • The maths mega-stars this term are: Farai, Ripley and Alex. We’re looking forward to see what you have in store for next term.
  • Ben, Isaac, Thomas and Kai: we feel that our own general knowledge is much better with your contributions to class discussions.
  • Well done to Theo and Isaiah for always trying hard in phonics lessons and improving their spelling scores.
  • Sachpreet, Manpreet and Noorpreet are making excellent progress in all areas and are showing excellent social skills.
  • Grace, Ethan, Ishaan, Ismail, Albert and Phoebe are showing that they are becoming independent learners and are demonstrating excellent learning behaviour.
  • Finally, thank you to Dylan who has come in with a smile every day and shown great progress in speaking and listening.

We hope that you and your families have a wonderful Christmas break and we ‘ll see you in January for lots more learning.

13 December 2013

Posted on Friday 13 December 2013 by Mr Roundtree

This week’s homework is creative.

I can respond, creatively, to a piece of art.

Each child has one of three pieces of art in their homework book that have been the focus of three art afternoons this week. We would like them to respond to this art in any way they choose but make it creative.

Here are some ideas to start you off:

  • Create your own version of the artwork eg create your own triptych, landscape scene or portrait.
  • Write a description.
  • Write a story thinking about what might happen in your piece of art, or who it is of.
  • Tell us what you think about it.
  • Think about whether you can do any maths, writing or reading connected to it.

Money well spent!

Posted on Monday 02 December 2013 by Mrs Taylor

Year 1 decided to spend their profit (£24) from their stall at the Enterprise fair on some new books to be enjoyed by the class.  We chose a mixture of fiction, by the author Julia Donaldson, and non fiction.  There was even a snake book for Filip.  It was great to see the enjoyment these books brought to the children – definitely money well spent.