Year 1 Class News

Learning at home

Posted on Tuesday 11 November 2014 by Mrs Weekes

It’s great to see many children doing extra learning at home.  Take a look at this clock that was made at home after learning about time in class – the clock even has moving hands!  Thanks to all of you who are supporting your child’s learning in different ways.

Key Stage One Art Gallery – one day only!

Posted on Monday 10 November 2014 by Mr Roundtree

This afternoon saw Key Stage One’s Art Gallery opening.

Parents, children, aunties, uncles, grandmas, grandads and siblings alike came flooding into Key Stage One’s Art Gallery today. Thank you to all of you who came to view the amazing work Year 1 and 2 have one during our Katie and… topic. If you couldn’t make it, here’s a sneak peek. Step into the pictures, just as Katie would have, and imagine you were there.

You could put on your headphones and listen to the pieces of music that inspired us to create art that matched it.


Take a comfy seat in the book area and read the books that helped us create all of this amazing art.

Take a vote on your favourite piece of art or spend the time trying to find art by names you recognise.

Lots of people enjoyed our live art exhibition and joined in by printing a poppy onto the field for Remembrance Day (11.11.14). Thank you to those people who made a donation to our school charities.


Thank you to Year 1 and 2 for all their hard work and enjoyment of the Katie and… topic.

It’s half-term…

Posted on Thursday 23 October 2014 by Mr Roundtree

…so there’s no specific homework this week, apart from ensuring your child spends at least 20 minutes each day reading and 5-10 minutes learning their number bonds / times tables.

Enjoy your October break. If you stay in Leeds, check out all the activities the museums and art galleries have on offer.

We can be artists!

Posted on Saturday 18 October 2014 by Mrs Weekes

On Wednesday we all became artists in Yorkshire Sculpture Park.  The inspiration came from seeing so many wonderful sculptures – there were opportunities to d0 some observational drawings and then in the afternoon, lots of teamwork resulted in some amazing pieces of 3D art.










Leeds Art Gallery event

Posted on Tuesday 14 October 2014 by Mrs Taylor

Feeling inspired by our latest art themed topic, Katie and… then you might be interested in this event at Leeds Art Gallery on Saturday.

What: Celebrate The Big Draw and work with an artist to draw yourself in a surprising way.

When: Saturday 18 October 11am-4pm

Where: Leeds Art Gallery

Sculpture Park

Posted on Sunday 12 October 2014 by Mrs Weekes

Don’t forget we are going to the Sculpture Park on Wednesday 15 October.

Please make sure that your child has a waterproof coat and sensible shoes on and don’t forget their packed lunch.

It’s going to be an exciting day – watch this space for photos.

On the stage

Posted on Sunday 12 October 2014 by Mrs Weekes

There are a few budding actors in Year 1 who should definitely be on stage at some point.  Scripts have been our focus over the past week – here are some scripts being put to good use.

What is an algorithm?

Posted on Sunday 12 October 2014 by Mrs Weekes

Algorithms are a set of rules or a process.  This is a hard concept to understand when you are 5 years old but we have started to think about how we can learn about them in Year 1.  We can follow instructions by listening to them or by reading them but if a computer needs instructions then it needs programming.  Here is our first attempt at programming – giving Beebots (half bee, half robot!) a series of instructions.

Well done, Year 1!

Posted on Thursday 09 October 2014 by Mrs Taylor

Well done to every child in Year 1 for a great assembly this afternoon. Special thanks to Byron who offered to take over Arundeep’s lines.

The children have all tried very hard this week to learn lines, use props and to speak in front of an audience.  There were a few nerves but also excitement this afternoon. Aisha summed it up well: ‘That was fun!’

Thank you to all the family and friends who came to watch.

Good luck with the Wake up Shake up routine tomorrow.

Art around the world

Posted on Monday 29 September 2014 by Mrs Taylor

As part of our Big Topic, Katie and…, we have been finding out about art from around the world – a good chance to check our geographical knowledge from our recent Where in the World topic, too.

Aboriginal art has certain features that we tried to include in our own examples.  Can you see them in the work below?