Year 1 Class News

It’s Party Time

Posted on Monday 12 December 2011 by Mrs Weekes

On Thursday 15 December it will be the Christmas party for Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 after lunch.  The children must come to school in their school uniform but are welcome to bring some party clothes to change into for the party.

Please ensure that the clothes are easy for the children to put on themselves and that they are in a named carrier bag.  Please remember that they will be playing party games and dancing so make sure that the shoes that they bring are sensible. 

Thank you.


Posted on Sunday 20 November 2011 by Mrs Weekes

We were lucky enough to have a visitor on Friday.  Richard Gale (Indi’s dad) is a paramedic and he came in to talk about his job.  As you can see we had great fun using bandages, oxygen masks and stethoscopes!  It looked like there had been an awful accident at one point but I can assure you that no-one was hurt at all!

Thank you Richard for taking the time to visit us.

emergency emergency! 004emergency emergency! 003  emergency emergency! 011


Posted on Wednesday 16 November 2011 by Mrs Weekes

As you know, Year 1 and Year 2 went to Eureka museum in Halifax on Tuesday 15 November.  The main focus of our day was in the learning area known as “Me and My Body.”  Our learning included the way our mouths work, how fast we breathe and how our skeletons move.

Look at all those teeth!
autumn 2 11 041
What big eyes you have!
Some time was spent in an enormous sandpit!
autumn 2 11 025
autumn 2 11 026
Before we left there was some banking to be done and some shopping, not to mention some repair work on a broken down car.
autumn 2 11 050autumn 2 11 060autumn 2 11 054

What a tiring day…

autumn 2 11 067…just time for a snooze on the way home.

Super Sculptures!

Posted on Wednesday 09 November 2011 by Mrs Weekes

It is not only children who are involved in learning.  On Tuesday, all of the teaching staff were involved in a Art workshop and some super sculptures were produced.

Check out the new member of our school community, Sebastian.

Mrs Burke, Mrs Weekes, Mrs Maver and Miss Hewson worked together to sculpt using newspaper and modrock and this is the result.

Look out for him in the middle building.

art sculptures 001art sculptures 002

Hobby Half Day

Posted on Saturday 29 October 2011 by

DSC06084Check out our fantastic photos of our first Hobby Half Day!

Children from Year 1 to Year 6 had the opportunity to participate in an afternoon of learning something new. The activities ranged from everyday baking and cooking to the unusual: creating their own carbon footprint.

DSC06092 DSC06090

An Amazing Assembly

Posted on Wednesday 19 October 2011 by Mrs Weekes

Last Thursday, Year 1 shared their learning in “a really fab assembly”. The children have been learning about the people in our community and showed this through drama and singing.

“What a wonderful show. Excellent theme for them to appreciate all the people that help us.”

As you can see from the quotes, our parents thought the children did really well.  Thank you to all the parents for your support.

“What a fantastic performance – such confidence from all of the children.”

moortown in bloom 001moortown in bloom 002

Class Assembly

Posted on Saturday 08 October 2011 by

A quick reminder to let you know that your child will be performing in their class assembly on Thursday 13 October at 2.40pm.

Hope to see you there!

We know how to stay safe in Year 1!

Posted on Tuesday 04 October 2011 by Mrs Weekes

warming up for dancing
warming up for dancing

What a week we had last week!  It was amazing how much we learnt in such a short time.  We now know how to stay safe in many situations: 

  •   around dogs
  • dancing and keeping fit
  • in case of fire
  • when crossing the road
  • when someone is hurt
Firefighter in the making
Firefighter in the making
Bailey the dog
Bailey the dog

Photograph, please!

Posted on Thursday 29 September 2011 by

Please could your child bring in a photograph of themselves as a baby. We will be learning about growing in our new topic so it would be lovely to have these on display. Photographs will be returned later in the Autumn term.

Thank you.

Miss Hewson, Mrs Weekes and Mrs Maver.

Welcome to Year 1

Posted on Saturday 17 September 2011 by Mrs Weekes

Wow! What a fantastic start to Year 1.  The children have shown some great learning from the start and we are very excited to see how they are going to develop.    Benjiman and Adwait have both shown how they understand their own feelings and those of others and Mia has already received a certificate for taking responsibility for her own learning.

Look out for all the exciting learning that is going to take place in Year 1!

Some things you need to know:

  • children will need their PE kits on Tuesdays and Fridays
  • book bags will be needed every day
  • homework is sent out on Friday and is expected back on Wednesday
  • spellings are sent out on Friday and need to be learnt for the following Friday

Look out for the newsletter which will be coming home soon.  In the meantime,  if you have any questions, please come in and see Mrs Maver or me, Mrs Weekes.

Looking forward to working with you and your children over the coming year.