Class News

Road Safety

Posted on Thursday 14 November 2024 by Miss Newman

Today, Year 4 had some visitors from Leeds City Council to deliver road safety training. We had a really insightful lesson all about road safety and sustainable travel before heading out to do some practical training.

Green Cross Code:

  1.  Think – find a safe place to cross.
  2.  Stop – take a 30cm step back from the road.
  3.  Look – right then left and then all around.
  4.  Listen – listen closely for all vehicles (especially quiet ones like electric cars).

Help at home: ask your children to explain the Green Cross Code. When you are crossing roads together, make sure you are all following the Green Cross Code.

Road Safety – Seatbelts!

Posted on Thursday 14 November 2024 by Miss Birch

Today, Year 3 were visited by Leeds City Council to talk to us about road safety. There are lots of things to remember to keep us safe around the road but today was specifically about seat belts!

Seatbelts are one of the main things that can keep us safe while in the car. They keep us from getting more seriously hurt  if there were to be an accident.

We watched a ball fly across the room with no belt and then with a belt. When it had a belt, it was safe and held to its seat. We repeated this again but with a model car and dummies and we saw that they were more hurt when they weren’t wearing their seatbelts.

Help at home by checking that your child knows how to put on their own seatbelt! How fast can you put it on? Can you do it in less than 10, 5, 1 seconds?


Living and Learning: anti-bullying day and odd socks day

Posted on Wednesday 13 November 2024 by Mrs Taylor

We kicked off anti-bullying day with our odd socks to celebrate that we are all unique and different.

Odd socks day is a celebration to show that we are all different and that makes us unique.

We are wearing odd socks today because we are all different and we should be treated fairly.

Odd socks day shows that we are all different. We should respect everyone no matter what they look like.

We explored our school definition of bullying, created by our junior leaders, by looking at what some of the words meant.

What are the different types of bullying?

Our school definition helped us understand the different types of bullying – physical (hurting someone’s body), emotional (hurting someone’s feelings) or cyber bullying (online).

We also considered the role of bystanders and their responsibility to start telling other people.

The story #Goldilocks looks at how we should treat everyone with respect whether it is in person or online.

How can you STOP bullying?

We used our weekly circle time to think about the role we all have to STOP bullying. Year 2 had some excellent suggestions.

Our main message is Start Telling Other People and to continue to do that until you are heard.

You can stop bullying by…

respecting others

telling the bully to stop if you are a bystander.

telling a trusted adult.

asking a lunchtime helper to help.

standing up for others.

letting everyone join in and not leaving people out.

being kind to people and not hurting them.

helping the person being bullied and take them to an adult.

being resilient and saying STOP.

ignoring the bully, walk away and don’t say anything back to them.

Using positive words and actions can also help to prevent bullying by creating a happy and healthy school.

How can you get help?

Seeking help can be done in a number of different ways.

Who could you tell? (taken from our child friendly anti-bullying policy)

  • Safeguarding team – Mrs Weekes, Mr Wilks, Mrs Russell and Mrs Limbert
  • Any other members of staff
  • A trusted adult
  • Someone in your family
  • Friends
  • Childline (0800 1111)
  • Write a worry slip and put it in your Living and Learning box or the whole school worry box (outside the school office)
  • Email

The children thought about who they would tell if they needed to Start Telling Other People.

Help at home: discuss our school definition of bullying with your child. Do they know the difference between falling out and bullying, and between a one-off situation and something that’s happened more than once?

Anti-Bullying Day

Posted on Tuesday 12 November 2024 by Miss Goswami

Today for our anti-bullying day, we joined the nation by focussing on the message of ‘choosing respect‘.

We  looked at the definition of bullying which our JLT members created:

“Bullying is when you hurt someone physically or emotionally (including online), Several Times OPurpose”

Whilst we hope this would never be the case in our school, we also discussed  what you can do if you were to experience bullying at Moortown Primary School:

Start Telling Other People. You could use the Living and Learning box, the worry box, tell a trusted adult, email or even call Childline (0800 1111).”

The school came in odd socks today to show that we are all unique but should still all respect each other.

In class we discussed how to be respectful and safe online. The children suggested making sure to send kind messages to each other and only playing with people they know. We also discussed what to do if someone is mean online; Year 5 said you could step away and ignore, you could report or block and you can tell an adult or even the police if it is a serious incident.

Year 5 also watched the BBC Anti-Bullying Week 2024 Live Lesson. The children talked about how someone might feel if someone behaved disrespectfully:

  • hurt
  • lonely
  • upset
  • worried
  • frustrated
  • angry
  • annoyed
  • sad
  • moody
  • mad
  • furious

Finally, we created an acrostic poem. Here are a few of them:

Help at home: Can you create your own acrostic poem using the word RESPECT? Discuss with your child how they can show respect to others.


Anti-Bullying Day

Posted on Tuesday 12 November 2024 by Miss Newman

Today, we celebrated Anti-Bullying and Odd Socks Day as part of Anti-Bullying Week.

We all wore odd socks to school to show that it’s okay to be different and to stand up against discrimination and bullying. At Moortown, we always celebrate diversity and wearing odd socks was a fun way to show this today!

In Year 4, we had some important conversations around what bullying is and what to do if we experience it. We like to use the acronym STOP to help us remember.

We discussed where your children could get support regarding bullying:

  • A trusted adult
  • Someone in your family
  • Friends
  • Childline (0800 1111)
  • Write a worry slip and put it in your Living and Learning box or the whole school worry box (outside the school office)
  • Email

We attended a live online lesson held by CBBC all about friendships, conflict, respect and bullying. As part of this lesson, Year 4 came up with an acrostic poem about RESPECT.

Help at home: have an open discussion about bullying at home. What is bullying? What should you do if you experience bullying? How can bullying make somebody feel? How can we resolve conflict respectfully?


Odd Socks Day

Posted on Tuesday 12 November 2024 by Miss Wilson

Today, Y6 had a day all about Anti-Bullying.

We wore odd socks to show how we’re all unique and differences should be celebrated!

We’ve also had lessons about how to stay safe and respectful online, how to solve disagreements respectfully and the impacts that disrespectful behaviour can have.

Help at home by asking your child to explain the two definitions of the acronym STOP.


Anti-Bullying Day!

Posted on Tuesday 12 November 2024 by Miss Birch

This week is Anti-Bullying Week and at Moortown, we are celebrating it with Anti-Bullying Day today.

It is a special week and day to encourage everyone to take a stand against bullying all year round.

We’ve been wearing odd socks to celebrate diversity, acceptance and including everyone! We want to respect everyone, regardless of their differences. Respect means to treat others how we would like to be treated; with kindness.

Our definition of bullying is…

Bullying can be verbal, physical, emotional or online (cyber-bullying).

We have lots of things we can do to help ourselves or others if we notice bullying:

  • Talk to a trusted adult.
  • Share with friends.
  • Call Childline on 0800 1111.
  • Write a worry in the worry box.
  • Email 

We took part in a live lesson on CBBC that taught us how deal with disagreements, falling outs and bullying.

Michael Rosen Day

Posted on Tuesday 12 November 2024 by Miss Wilson

Today, Y6 had a virtual event with the one and only Michael Rosen!

He told us some fantastic tips about writing poems and invited us to join in while he told some very funny ones.

Help at home by writing a poem! Michael gave us some topic ideas to get us started: family, school, food or even jokes that rhyme like the one below!

Down behind the dustbin
I met a dog called Ted.
‘Leave me alone,’ he says,
‘I’m just going to bed.’

Down behind the dustbin
I met a dog called Roger.
‘Do you own this bin?’ I said.
‘No. I’m only a lodger.’

Down behind the dustbin
I met a dog called Sue.
‘What are you doing here?’ I said.
‘I’ve got nothing else to do.’

Down behind the dustbin
I met a dog called Jim.
He didn’t know me
And I didn’t know him.

“Michael Rosen’s poems are very funny and inspirational,” said Rayhan.

“I really enjoyed it because I’m very good at imagining things. The word hyperbole reminds me of Herbology in Harry Potter,” shared Inayah.

“I’ve seen Michael Rosen before and I like his poems. They’re very interesting. Meeting the real man is a real honour because I’ve read loads of his poems. He gave us loads of advice which was like a dream come true!” beamed Joseph.

“He said his iconic nice!” added Harjas.

Aryan stated: “It was interesting and fun to watch because it brings me joy to see the actual Michael Rosen.”


Spelling – ough

Posted on Tuesday 12 November 2024 by Miss Wilson

This week, we’ve looked at spellings containing the ough letter string.

We discussed lots of ough words, their definitions and how they sound totally different to each other!

Help at home by practising sentences at home containing the ough letter string.

Reminder: stay and learn sessions

Posted on Monday 11 November 2024 by Kay Lowry

Number 1 – 13.11.24     9-9:30am