Class News

Nursery Rhyme Week

Posted on Monday 18 November 2024 by Kay Lowry



During nursery rhyme week, the children enjoyed reciting and acting out different nursery rhymes.


Linked to World Nursery Rhyme Week, we’ve been reading this classic book by Jane and Allan Ahlberg. The children loved listening carefully for the rhyming words and spotting familiar characters on each page.

Class Assembly

Posted on Monday 18 November 2024 by Miss Goswami

With our class assembly quickly approaching (Wednesday 20th November), please remember to practise your speaking parts and refresh your memory by watching the YouTube video of the song we will be singing.


Posted on Sunday 17 November 2024 by Mrs Taylor

This Tuesday 19 November at 2:40pm is our rearranged class assembly. We hope you can join us.

On Wednesday 20 November, as the whole class are taking part in the infant agility event, the children will need to come to school in PE kit. This will replace our Tuesday PE lesson for next week.

This means, the children should come to school in normal uniform on Tuesday 19 November.

RE Drop Down Morning

Posted on Friday 15 November 2024 by Miss Goswami

This morning, Year 5 had their very first ‘RE drop down morning’. We started off the morning by recapping key vocabulary: theist (a person who believes in God/Gods), atheist (a person who does not believe in the existence of God/Gods) and agnostic (a person who believes that nothing is known or can be known about the existence of God).

Did you know there are nearly 4,000 recognised faiths around the globe? Thankfully, I only asked the children to name the six major religions!

In this RE drop down morning, we focused on the religion of Hinduism. Hinduism is the oldest of the six major religions. It has no single founder. It’s a mix of various beliefs. The children were asked to create a fact file about this religion.

Then, we went on to learn about what Hindus believe. Hindu worship is called puja. Hindus can worship at their holy building, called a mandir, or in their home. The religious leader in a mandir is called a pujari.

Hindus believe in one supreme God, Brahman. Brahman is expressed through different deities. The most important of the deities are called the Trimurti. The Trimurti are the three aspects of the universal supreme God.

Hindus believe in karma and reincarnation; we watched a video which explained what this meant.

In our third and final session, we learnt what festivals do Hindus celebrate. Year 5 found out that Diwali is the five-day Festival of Lights, celebrated by millions of Hindus across the world. Diwali is a festival of new beginnings and the triumph of good over evil and light over darkness, and for some also coincides with harvest and new year celebrations. The festival falls between mid-October and mid-November but changes each year because it is set by the lunar calendar.

The children watched a video explaining the story of Rama and Sita. They then had to order the pictures in chronological order and re-tell the story to the class. The children used their oracy skills of voice projection, eye contact and prosody.

Help at home: Watch the story of Rama and Sita. Discuss the moral message of the story.

Living and Learning: odd socks day

Posted on Friday 15 November 2024 by Mr McGriffiths

On Tuesday this week it was Odd Socks Day! This was all in order to celebrate our differences and uniqueness. It was also part of Anti-Bullying Week. We spoke about how we use the acronym STOP at Moortown Primary School to help understand what bullying is as well as how to stop it.

We talked  who we could tell if we saw or experienced bullying in order to make it stop. We knew lots of people we could tell and I was very impressed by the children’s knowledge, kindness and maturity.

Living and Learning: Me and My Community Week

Posted on Friday 15 November 2024 by Mr McGriffiths

This week has been Me and My Community Week at Moortown. We have had lots of visitors from our local community come to school to talk about themselves and how they make up part of the community. We have also spoken about what communities we are part of, culminating in a fabulous identity day on Friday.

We talked to Grandad Wheels about life in a wheelchair and we heard him read one of his fabulous stories. We even got to design a futuristic wheelchair for him!

We visited Moortown Park with Pat who runs Friends of Moortown Park. We learnt about how they look after the park and we thought carefully about how we could look after the park too.

We also had  a visit from the RNIB.  We listened very carefully and learnt lots about things that help people who are blind. We even got to meet a guide dog.

We also had a visit from Mrs Gledhill who is a teacher of the deaf. She taught us some things we can do to help people who are deaf to hear us. She then taught us some sign language, we loved it!

All week we were also thinking about what makes us unique and celebrating the differences we all have, whether that is the way we look, what we like to do or our families. We read the book Odd Dog Out to help us understand this further. We even made our very own sausage dogs that reflected our personality!

What a week it has been! Well done everyone!

Guided Reading Week 2

Posted on Friday 15 November 2024 by Miss Goswami

Here are the target pages for this week’s guided reading. These need to be read by Friday 22nd November.

Extra Time: up to chapter half-time/page 45.

Divine Freaks: up to chapter 5/pg 55.

Mr Gum: up to chapter 6/pg 86.

How To Train Your Dragon: up to chapter 4/pg 60.

Kensuke’s Kingdom: up to chapter 5/page 69.

Autumn 2: Week2

Posted on Friday 15 November 2024 by Kay Lowry

Thank you to all those that attended the math stay and learn. The feedback qr code has been sent to you. Please can you complete the feedback form.

SE Maths Mastery presentation stay and learn 2024

As mentioned in the meeting the app one min maths app by White Rose is good for math fluency.

For those of you that could not make it, attached is the presentation.

If you have any questions please ask.

The children enjoyed Odd Sock day. They were able to talk about our differences and we discussed this being our super power that there is no one in the world the same as us.

For math this week, we have been comparing amounts of objects using the language more than, fewer than and the same as. The children have enjoyed completing the math challenges using this language.

Help at home: by sharing different amounts of objects (less than 10) and comparing.


We have been creating art work inspired by Seurat. We have been using cotton buds, bubble wrap and pen lids to create different sized dots with paint.

Outside the children have been building cars to go on adventures, finding conkers and having tea parties.

We had a visit from the Road Safety team on Thursday who spoke about crossing roads safely and the importance of wearing a seat belt.


Help at home: by ensuring regular reading is taking place.

Writing: Expanded Noun Phrases (ENPs)

Posted on Friday 15 November 2024 by Miss Goswami

Year 5 this week have been identifying and creating expanded noun phrases (ENPs). ENPs are made with a determiner, adjectives, a noun and potentially a preposition.

They created some brilliant examples of ENPs:

  • the abandoned city of Atlantis in the middle of the ocean
  • a rushing swarm of bullet-like birds
  • the illuminous sky behind the edge of the crumbling mountains
  • several elegant, blossoming trees beside a calm, flowing river

Help at home: Can you create any ENPs about this picture?

Road Safety

Posted on Thursday 14 November 2024 by Miss Newman

Today, Year 4 had some visitors from Leeds City Council to deliver road safety training. We had a really insightful lesson all about road safety and sustainable travel before heading out to do some practical training.

Green Cross Code:

  1.  Think – find a safe place to cross.
  2.  Stop – take a 30cm step back from the road.
  3.  Look – right then left and then all around.
  4.  Listen – listen closely for all vehicles (especially quiet ones like electric cars).

Help at home: ask your children to explain the Green Cross Code. When you are crossing roads together, make sure you are all following the Green Cross Code.