Class News


Posted on Thursday 19 September 2024 by Miss Wilson

This week’s reading focus has been summarising.

We’ve looked at some history-based texts about the Stone, Bronze and Iron Age.


We worked as a team to digest the important information and formulate it into our own words.

History: We are Historians!

Posted on Thursday 19 September 2024 by Miss Goswami

This half term, our topic is History! We will be learning about both British and world history. We have started to learn about the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age and we will be shortly moving on to Ancient Egypt.

In our lessons this week, the children had to recap and revisit their knowledge from the unit so far to sort a range of statements into the correct time periods.

They then went on to learn about different ancient civilisations across the world around 3000 years ago. We used the iPads to look at secondary research.

Help at home: Take a look at our key vocabulary for this unit. Can you use these words in sentences?

Living and Learning: Manners

Posted on Wednesday 18 September 2024 by Mrs Taylor

Manners are words and actions that we can do to help us be kind and respectful to others. Good manners help us to get on well with others.

We thought about examples of good manners and we did some role play to model these good manners.

We linked our daily poem and our reading fluency text to manners to reinforce this important aspect of Living and Learning.

Help at home: reinforce this message about using good manners at home as well as at school. Encourage your child to greet the adults on the gate as they arrive at school.

Also, have a go at this manners quiz to check your child’s understanding.

Virtual author event with Tom Vaughan – Hercules!

Posted on Tuesday 17 September 2024 by Miss Birch

This afternoon, Year 3 attended their first virtual author event with Tom Vaughan who is releasing his second book in his series of Hercules: Hercules – A Hero’s Journey (On A School Trip). 

These books are all based on Greek Myths and Greek gods which is linked to our Topic learning this half term! He told us a little bit about the new book and then read us an extract which was full of toilet humour!

At the end of the event, Tom did a quiz where we had to guess the Greek god and their name. Lots of us got Zeus, Athena, Ares and Poseidon. The book is full of the same illustrations.

Help at home: Visit Scholastic to see what other author and illustrator events there are coming up!

Reminder: welcome to reception class meeting

Posted on Monday 16 September 2024 by Kay Lowry

An invitation to this event was emailed to you back in July but here is a reminder.

Come into school to find out some basic “need to knows” about life in Reception.

17.09.24 – 6pm – 6.30pm

Living & Learning: Eight Rs for Learning

Posted on Sunday 15 September 2024 by Miss Goswami

This week our L&L statement was ‘I use the eight Rs to help me learn.’ We started off by recapping the 8Rs and then looked at each one in detail and discussed different statements that match the 8Rs.

  • reflecting – I look for feedback from my teachers and peers and think about how I can use this to improve.
  • remembering – I find links between what I am learning and what I already know.
  • resilient – I stick at things even when they are difficult and do not give up; I stay positive.
  • resourceful – I know where to find information and use it in my work (word walls, support sheet etc.).
  • responsible – I am respectful with everything (presentation, resources etc.).
  • risk-taking – I can ask questions and give my opinion in a group/class situation.
  • responsive – I can respond appropriately to peers and adults.
  • ready – I always want to learn new things.

Help at Home: Discuss with your child which 8R for learning they feel confident in and which they feel like they need to improve.

Autumn 1: Week2

Posted on Friday 13 September 2024 by Kay Lowry

The children have now completed their first full week in reception.

They have all settled in beautifully and enjoyed getting to know each other as well as exploring their new environment.

Next Friday and the subsequent Fridays,  I will be sending home a Little Wandle phonics sheet. This is a sheet showing you the phonics that we have been learning for the week and our tricky words.

I will also be sending home our poem of the week. This will be a poem that as a class we will have explored each day. The children can then enjoy sharing the poem with you at home.



Living and Learning: 8Rs

Posted on Friday 13 September 2024 by Miss Wilson

This week, Y6 discussed each of the 8Rs and how they help us to learn.

We also had an honest reflection about our strengths and areas of improvement.

“I think I need to be more resilient at times,” share one person.

“I’m great at being ready at the start of lessons but sometimes I forget towards the end,” explained another.

I really appreciated this mature honesty. It was nice to celebrate the strengths, too.

“I have a great memory so I’m good at remembering things,” beamed a different Y6.

Another shared, “I am nervous about risks but really good with taking safe ones.”

Help at home by having a look at the picture above and spotting which two Rs need to swap places!

History: The Great Fire of London

Posted on Friday 13 September 2024 by Mr McGriffiths

In year 1, we have started out History topic and we are learning all about The Great Fire of London. We will be using a book, Vlad and the Great Fire of London, to stimulate our learning. (This is a YouTube link. Top tip for watching YouTube with your child: go to the settings cog along the play bar and turn off autoplay – this avoids an inappropriate clip coming up automatically, and helps to discourage your child from passively watching clip after clip.)

We have started by talking about the topic vocabulary, which you can see below. We have also talked about how people know what has happened in the past even though no-one alive can remember it. We discussed using paintings, maps, books or diaries and artefacts from the time that have been found.

Help at home by exploring the information on the BBC bitesize website.

History: The Great Fire of London

Posted on Thursday 12 September 2024 by Mrs Lake

In year 2, we have started out History topic and we are learning all about The Great Fire of London. We are using a book, Vlad and the Great Fire of London, to stimulate our learning. (This is a YouTube link. Top tip for watching YouTube with your child: go to the settings cog along the play bar and turn off autoplay – this avoids an inappropriate clip coming up automatically, and helps to discourage your child from passively watching clip after clip.)

We have started by talking about the topic vocabulary, which you can see below. Help your child at home by exploring the information on the BBC bitesize website.