Class News

Reading refresh!

Posted on Friday 09 February 2024 by Mr McGriffiths

Every half term we have a refresh of the books in our reading corner. The children are given time to look through and browse the books on their table. After they have had a chance to look through them all they choose one to put in the the box. It was so lovely to see how engaged the children were with the new books and how much they love stories! We had time to read a couple of the new stories too. I can’t wait to read more of them when we come back after half term.



Help at home by reading the books your child brings home from the library or visiting the library over the half term

Living and Learning: Safer Internet Day

Posted on Friday 09 February 2024 by Mrs Taylor

This week, it was Safer Internet Day and we spent the day focusing on these two key areas of online safety.

  • I know that some things online may not be true (people and information).
  • I know that I shouldn’t share personal information online.

We used a few different texts to support this learning and our daily poem too.

Hot seating the characters helped to think about their feelings and actions.

This video also reinforced key messages about not everything online is true (this could be people or information) and the importance of not sharing any of your personal information.

Throughout this learning, we reinforced the message that if the children were unsure or something didn’t feel right they should always Start Telling Other People and let a trusted adult know.

We talked through this sequence of seeking help.

Help at home: Can your child tell you the key messages from the texts we read?

Also, our online safety section has further support available for parents.


Living and Learning: Safer internet day

Posted on Thursday 08 February 2024 by Miss Goswami

On Tuesday 6th February, we celebrated safer internet day. It was a chance to think about any worries we might have about using technology and the internet, but it’s also about celebrating all the fantastic things technology can help us with.

In one of our lessons, we discussed why it’s important to check with a trusted adult before sharing personal information online. Personal information is any information that is about who you are and what you do.

Websites and apps can collect our personal information and data and use it to provide services to us.

We need to keep this information safe whilst online and not give it to just anyone! We must always speak to a trusted adult before sharing any information online.

In another lesson, we focused on how to have a healthy balance of online and offline activity. The children were able to give lots of different activities to do whilst being offline:

  • playing outside
  • arts and crafts
  • reading a book
  • spend time with family

Help at home: Discuss how to help Greg, Jess, Brian and Haya in these scenarios.

Yorkshire Museum

Posted on Thursday 08 February 2024 by Mr Roundtree

Last Friday, Year 3 and 4 visited York to go to the Yorkshire Museum and to see the flood defences.

Yorkshire Museum had exhibitions that were perfect for us to link to our History learning about the Romans and Anglo-Saxons.

Here’s some pictures of us exploring and learning about the artefacts!

We also walked down to the river Ouse to look at York’s flood defences. York After periods of heavy rainfall, York floods so there are flood defences around the river to keep the houses and buildings safe. We’ll be learning about this in our Geography topic after Easter.

A wonderful day had by all!

Help at home by asking your child one new fact that they learnt while at the museum!

Living and learning: Safer Internet Day

Posted on Thursday 08 February 2024 by Miss Wilson

Hi. This is Amelia, Hafsa B, Cate and Parnita ( Y6 journalists).
On the 6th of February it was Safer Internet Day so every classes schedule was replaced with activities and linked lessons to the subject .Throughout the many sessions that were held: visitors came in; special assemblies; and lots of fun lessons. It was quite like a whole day of living and learning!

We asked for some feedback from the students. Here are a few:
“I loved finding out what the different apps were rated so I can help myself and others to only use apps that is suitable for our age!”-Olivia

“I found out it is very important to learn about mental health!”- Avneet

“I feel safer going online today than before the Safer Internet Day!” – Mr Wilks

“I liked learning about lots of different topics and taking part in group activities!”-Hannah

We learnt about age restrictions, how to be a critical users on the Internet and to turn your locations off.


Living and Learning – Speak Out, Stay Safe

Posted on Thursday 08 February 2024 by Miss Wilson

In Living and Learning, we’ve been discussing the ways we can make safe choices.

Seeking help is a very important skill. Every child in class knows exactly who they would tell if they didn’t feel safe, happy or healthy.

It’s really important that you tell a trusted adult if you feel anxious, worried, hurt, unsafe, sad or frightened. It is never your fault. If the situation doesn’t change, it is very important to keep speaking out and telling a trusted adult until it changes.

Help at home by discussing what this trusted adult could look like in different places: at school, home or out and about.

Buddy is a speech bubble – he represents the right of all children to speak out and be safe.

Childline’s number is 0800 1111 and they can listen if you ever need to talk.



Living and learning: I know what a drug is.

Posted on Thursday 08 February 2024 by Mr Roundtree

In Living and Learning, Year 4 have learnt about what a drug is and how to handle medicine and other household products safely.

We know that drugs are substances that have an effect on our mind or body.

We had a visit from D-Side Dave who taught us about alcohol. We spoke about how to identify if something has alcohol in it and why is it important that children do not consume alcohol until the legal age.

We learnt about how alcohol is measured and discussed why adults might choose to drink it.

We ended our lesson by trying on a pair of glasses that made us feel like we had drunk alcohol. It was funny to see how Year 4 reacted but provided us with a clear take home message, too.

Writing: Were the early Islamic civilisation an advanced society?

Posted on Wednesday 07 February 2024 by Miss Goswami

In writing, we have been looking at discussions. The purpose of a discussion is to think about different sides of an argument. The question we are discussing is ‘Were the early Islamic civilisation an advanced society?’.

This question links to our history topic where we’ve been learning about the innovations of the early Islamic civilisation – a golden age. The children have started to write their discussions: introduction and for point. Tomorrow, we will be moving on to write the against point and conclusion.

Help at home: Discuss if the early Islamic civilisation were an advanced society. Use examples of why they were or why they were not.

Living and Learning: being safe

Posted on Wednesday 07 February 2024 by Mrs Taylor

Being safe is a key part of our Living and Learning curriculum including a Staying Safe themed week coming up next term in July.

Year 2 learnt about being safe around the concept of consent (giving and receiving permission) in particular with their friends.

We use the term consent in different contexts in class including asking consent to post a photo of a child or their learning online. In this learning, we had some different permission scenarios to discuss and we did some role plays to test out some ways of asking for consent and what to do.

Help at home: look at the following prompts and talk this through with your child.

We also took part in the NSPCC Speak out Stay Safe online assembly.

During the assembly, we heard about different situations where children might not feel safe.

We thought about which grown-ups would be good to talk to in school and out of school (start telling other people). Brothers, sisters and friends would also be good to talk to and discuss feelings but telling a grown-up (over 18) would be the best thing to do to get help.

Our Living and Learning box, in the classroom, is another way the children can speak out and write down any worries.

We also heard about Childline – ask your child to show you the way to remember the number.

Help at home: Buddy Zone, on the Childline website, has some games and activities for the children to do.


Safe Choices – Leeds United Foundation

Posted on Wednesday 07 February 2024 by Miss Wilson

Y6 welcomed Vicky from the Leeds United Foundation to talk about safe choices both online and offline.

We heard from some inspiring people who are from Leeds about the choices they’ve made in their lives and the positive impact it’s had on them.

There was an interactive quiz about each of the four sections:

  • online safety (social media)
  • anti-social behaviour
  • gangs
  • knife crime

Help at home by discussing the main thing your child learnt about each category.