Class News

Living and Learning – Safer Internet Day!

Posted on Tuesday 06 February 2024 by Miss Birch

Today is Safer Internet Day!

It was a chance to think about any worries we might have about using technology and the internet, but it’s also about celebrating all the fantastic things technology can help us with.

I know that some things online may not be true.

We discussed ‘fake news’ and what this means. We decided that if something is ‘fake’, it is not real and ‘news’ is information that is important. Fake news can be misleading and can give people the wrong impression or information.

We worked in groups to decide based on a ‘gut feeling’ whether a news headline was real or fake. A gut feeling is when we see or read something that just doesn’t feel right.

We then thought of other ways we could check if something is real or fake:

  • Where has it come from?
  • Who has posted this information?
  • Is it a reliable news source like Newsround or First News?
  • Can we see it across multiple reliable sources?

I know it’s important to check with a trusted adult before sharing personal information online.

Personal information is any information that is about who you are and what you do.

Websites and apps can collect our personal information and data and use it to provide services to us. For example, supermarkets might need your address if they are delivering your food or an app might need to know your age to know that you are old enough.

We need to keep this information safe whilst online and not give it to just anyone! We must always speak to a trusted adult before sharing any information online.

Help at home: Can you think of at least 4 pieces of personal information that we should keep private?








Living and Learning: Being safe

Posted on Sunday 04 February 2024 by Miss Goswami

For the past two weeks, Year 5 have been looking at how to stay safe. Last week, we talked about permission and consent with regards to different types of touches.

We looked at a number of different scenarios and sorted them into 3 different categories: appropriate, inappropriate or depends on the situation.  The children talked about how kicking is an inappropriate touch, high-five is appropriate and holding hands depends on the situation and who it is with.

We then moved on to discuss how appropriate touches feel on the outside and inside of our bodies. The children suggested that they might feel happy, safe, loved and comfortable and their body might be warm.

Help at home: Sort the following scenarios into appropriate, inappropriate or depends on the situation.

  • biting
  • linking arms
  • hugging
  • dancing together

We are mathematicians

Posted on Friday 02 February 2024 by Mr McGriffiths

This week in Year One we have been working really hard on their maths learning. We have been using the numicon this week to add single digit numbers to teen numbers. I was really impressed how the children took on this learning and also how they recorded it so carefully in their maths books. By the end of the week we were using the numicon to find all the number bonds to 20. It really helped that we had such a good knowledge of our number bonds to 10!

Well done Year 1.


Help at home by practising both number bonds to 10 and number bonds to 20. Numbots is really good practice for this.

Trip to York!

Posted on Friday 02 February 2024 by Miss Birch

Today, Year 3 and 4 visited York to go to the Yorkshire Museum and to see the flood defences.

Yorkshire Museum had exhibitions that were perfect for us to link to our History and Science learning; Roman York and Mary Anning Rocks and Yorkshire’s Jurassic World!

Here’s some pictures of us exploring and learning about the artefacts!

Our second reason for visiting York was for the flood defences. York gets flooded quite easily after periods of heavy rainfall so they have built many flood defences around river to help the houses and buildings near. We’ll be learning about this during our Geography topic after Easter.

To no surprise, there were floods when we visited! Here’s what we saw:

We made sure to stay safe while walking through York and around the river by walking in pairs and behind the railings.

Help at home by asking your child one new fact that they learnt while at the museum! For example, I learnt about the different under water dinosaurs that existed millions of years ago.

Spring 1: Week 4

Posted on Friday 02 February 2024 by Mrs Wood

This week, we’ve been super busy being superheroes! We tried using our super speed, super strength and super writing skills to capture the Evil Pea. We made wanted posters and thought of sentences to describe the Evil Pea.

He has a red cape.
He is round.
He is green.
He has a black mask.

We’ve witnessed many determined superheroes trying to solve crimes and capture the Evil Pea. From finding and writing clues to building traps and recording messages on the iPads in the construction area, we’ve seen some fantastic team work!

Yesterday, we thought about what superpower we would have if we were superheroes.
This morning, two PCSOs visited us. They talked about their role and how they help people in our local community. We had lots of fun trying on police costumes and going in the police car.
In maths, we continued to develop our understanding of composition. We used the Hungarian number pattern (die pattern) to explore making 5. We used the ‘5 Little Aliens in a Flying Saucer’ song to help us remember the pairs of numbers that make 5. On Wednesday, we noticed there wasn’t enough space for 6 aliens on the die frame. Therefore, we used a double dice frame to explore numbers 6 and 7 that are composed of ‘5 and a bit’. 

Help at home: Number bonds to 5 game

  • Put 5 small things into a bag.
  • Ask your adult to take some things out of the bag.
  • Then, you take the rest of the things out of the bag.
  •  How many things does your adult have? How many do you have?
  • How many altogether?

This week, we learnt our final phase 3 graphemes (air, er) and tricky words (are, pure, sure)
Next half-term, we’ll revisit all of the phase 3 digraphs and trigraphs. We’ll also be reading words with:
– double letters (h-a-mm-er)
– two or more digraphs (ch-a-tter)
– ending in –ing (l-oo-k/i-ng)
– s /z/ in the middle (visit  sounds like v-i-z-i-t)
– s /s/ /z/ at the end (c-oo-k-s)
– es at the end (t-or-ch-es)

Help at home: Play tricky word SPLAT

  • Write a selection of tricky words on paper/sticky notes.
  • Place around the room or on the floor.
  • Say a tricky word for your child to jump or splat the words.

Poetry Picnic
This week’s poem was an eight-line poem called A Little House.


  • Parent-teacher meetings – Tuesday 06 & Thursday 08 February
    I look forward to chatting to you all in person next week.
  • Fiddly Fingers stay & learn session followed by a presentation and coffee morning – Monday 05 February 9am-10am

Why was the early Islamic civilisation considered a golden age?

Posted on Thursday 01 February 2024 by Miss Wilson

In our history topic, we’ve been learning about the innovations of the early Islamic civilisation – a golden age.

Help at home by asking your child to explain what’s going on in each stage of our lesson using the pictures below.


Viking recounts

Posted on Thursday 01 February 2024 by Miss Wilson

Over the last two weeks, Y6 have been writing a recount. It linked to our class novel, Viking Boy, where we described witnessing a raid on a farm and the untimely death of the main character’s father.

This writing was a little different because each child chose their own R2s (what you must remember to include in your writing). Take a look at the example below.

A standout success for the class has been our powerful vocabulary as well as using speech to convey character and advance the action.

Help at home by continuing to practice writing speech and using the reporting clause in different places.

Have a read of some excellent examples below.

Science – What are soils made of?

Posted on Tuesday 30 January 2024 by Miss Birch

In Science, we have been chemists because we are learning about rocks, fossils and now soils!

So, what are soils made of? We spent the lesson using secondary sources of research (research done by someone else) and our own primary research (research done by us) to answer this question.

Soil is made of:

  • tiny rocks
  • humus (dead and rotting plants and animals)
  • water
  • air

We went out into the playground to find some soil to see if we could see these things! After we’d done this, we made lots of careful observations.

Here’s some of what we said:

  • Some of our soils are wetter and darker than the others.
  • I can see little roots (humus) in the soil.
  • We’ve got a tiny worm in our soil!
  • Our soil looks very similar to loam soil.

    Help at home by trying to find all of those ingredients for soil at the park or at home! Can you see the air?

Living and Learning: drug education

Posted on Sunday 28 January 2024 by Mrs Taylor

A drug is a substance that changes the way the body or mind works.

In year 2, we have been learning about different things that go into our bodies and onto our skin and about keeping safe around household products and medicines.

Firstly, we considered what should go on and in our bodies and also what shouldn’t go in our bodies.

Our second lesson focused on medicines; what they look like, how they are used and why people use them. We talked about how some medicines are used to treat people when they are ill as well as how some medicines can help protect people from becoming ill in the future such as vaccinations.

We thought about the people that can help us stay well and who might help us if we are ill.

The children had a lot to share in this learning and were very clear about the message of keeping safe around these products.

This learning was also reinforced by a visit from D:side. Dave’s session helped the children to understand

  • How to keep our bodies clean and healthy.
  • Reasons for choosing a healthy lifestyle and the negative impact a lack of personal hygiene / sleep / activity can have on physical and mental wellbeing.
  • How to identify internal parts of the body and their position and function to help with a healthy lifestyle.

Help at home: talk about products and medicines that are at home and how and why they are kept safe.


We are editors!

Posted on Friday 26 January 2024 by Mrs Lake

Yesterday, we wrote ‘The next adventures of the Naughty Bus’ and the story writing was brilliant. We included adjectives to add more information about nouns in the story and conjunctions to add more detail to our sentences.

Today, Year 2 have done some excellent editing. We edited a piece of writing together, did some paired editing and then we independently edited. All the children were responsible and respectful whilst listening and giving feedback to their partner. Well done for being fantastic editors Year 2!

Help at home by asking your child to edit some writing you have written with some simple mistakes in. Can they correct missing full stops, capital letters and commas or up level a sentence with an adjective or conjunction?