Y6 Residential 2024
Y6 had a blast last week on residential!
The Robinwood staff were extremely complimentary of how respectful and kind we were and how we got stuck in and took safe risks!
Well done to everyone for a fantastic trip away.
First up, some pictures of raft building.
RIP water slipper, 2024-2024
Next, are our pictures of some problem solving activities called Dungeon and King’s Quest.
A fan favourite was definitely the Giant Swing!
Caving came out on top in a surprising turn of events!
We sailed to the top of the Trapeze and even managed to jump off and grab the bar.
A very funny Night Line is up next…
We also channelled our inner Robin Hood at Robinwood…
We finished each evening with a Team Challenge which included, “ONE FULL TUBE!” and a hilarious game of Oogly Boogly Bop!
We survived the world-famous Piranha Pool!
Zip Wire was also great fun with different games such as racing and bean bag drop.
Not even the climbing wall could stop us – we raced to the top to squish the rainbow rubber duck!
Mountain and Wood groups, Robinwood, 2024 – over and out.
Design and Technology: Textiles
This half term we are learning all about Design and Technology and we will be sewing our own hand puppet! We are very excited to get going. This week, we have learnt how to thread a needle and tie a knot. This took great resilience and perseverance but everybody did a brilliant job.
Once the needle was threaded, we began to sew. We practised both the overstitch and the running stitch and we were all very proud of ourselves!
Help at home by practising threading a needle and tying a knot.
Summer 2: week 1
The children have come back well rested and taller after the half term.
We have had lots of fun performing our poem Thunderstorm this week. The children have created their own actions for it and used musical instruments to bring it to life.
The children have enjoyed reading lots of pirate stories this week and have been writing their own setences about pirates, finding treasure and building their own pirate ships. They have also been walking the plank!
In maths this week, we have been looking at what is and what is not a double. We have been choosing numbers 0-10 and placing them on a tens frame to check if they are a double or not a double.
Help at home: give your child a number between 0-10 and ask them to check if it is a double or not. They can do this by getting the correct amount of objects and putting them into two piles. If they can make the piles equal, they know that it is a double.
Living and Learning: I know the ingredients of a happy and healthy relationship.
The children were able to discuss what a happy and healthy relationship looks like. They talked about how it should make them feel and what they could do to build one.
They should ask me if I’m ok.
They should cheer me up if I’m sad.
We should play together and take turns.
Super Science at Allerton Grange!
Today, Year 5 went to Allerton Grange for a science lesson. The children leant a lot of new words: pH, alkali and hydrophobic! They also were able to practise their pipetting skills. We had try to identify unknown chemicals by using indicators. The children were amazing at following instructions and had a wonderful time.
New spelling list for half term 6!
Year 3,4
This half-term, our spellings are linked to the rules and strategies we’ll be learning in class:
- alternative graphemes: tion, sion, ssion, cian
- alternative graphemes: i, ie, y, i-e
- homophones: he’ll, heel, plain, plane, groan, grown, rain, rein, reign
- alternative graphemes: sc
- spelling patterns: que
- alternative graphemes: u spelled ou
Each Friday, you’ll be tested on 8 of the words from the list below.
he’ll | scenery | bicycle | mosque | enough |
heel | decide | possession | direction | mission |
describe | plain | height | surprise | fascinate |
league | plane | scissors | increase | magician |
exercise | fatigue | groan | unique | country |
guide | confusion | grown | rain | science |
passion | tongue | fraction | rein | rogue |
picturesque | politician | optician | reign | rough |
Design & Technology: How have designers changed the world?
This week, Year 5 have started their design and technology topic. Our first lesson looked at how designers have changed the world. The children had time to research three different designers: Isambard Kingdom Brunel, George Stephenson and Lewis Latimer.
Year 5 discussed that they changed the world in lots of different ways:
- Isambard’s bridges meant that people could join together and travel over water.
- George’s locomotive meant that people could travel faster and more efficiently as well as hauling larger quantities of coal out of mines.
- Lewis’ electric lightbulb meant that people could have light immediately and stop using candles.
All of these designers were creative, imaginative and problem-solvers. They all had great determination, perseverance and scientific skills.
Help at home: What other designers do you know? How did they change the world?
Today, some of our Year 5 and 6 children took part in the Leeds School Games Y5/6 mixed cricket event at Old Leos.
It was a cold and damp June day for the event but despite the conditions, the children worked hard as a team and performed some great cricketing skills. Well done to all the children who took part and thanks to Mrs Russell and Miss Kidd for taking and supporting the children.
Science – Does the amount of seeds affect the growth of a plant?
Hello! We hope you’ve had a relaxing half term.
We’ve come back to some amazing growth from our sunflower seeds! With the warm and sunny weather, they’ve shot up.
There is still a big difference between the heights of the plants in each pot too. With the plants with 2 seeds in now being the tallest and the pot with 1 seed being the shortest.
Check back next week to see more growth!
We are scientists
This half term, we’ve continued to be biologists in our science learning.
We planned an investigation to see what would happen if we planted a seed and a bulb in warm and cold conditions.
After three weeks, here are the results.
In the warm
In the cold
This comparative test shows that as well as water and sunlight, plants need a suitable temperature to grow healthily.
We’ve also been thinking about the benefits of wildlife and the importance of caring for wildlife.
Here are some ideas we’ve been learning about to look after wildlife.
Look at this hedgehog house ready for visitors!
Help at home: ask your child for some ideas for helping wildlife in the local area.
Geography: Kenya reports
This week we rounded off our Geography topic by writing a report all about Kenya. We were able to show off both our knowledge of Kenya and the world as well as our impressive writing skills. Both Miss Parwani and I thought everybody’s writing was excellent. They have learnt so much during this topic and they enjoyed the chance to write about it.
Help at home by discussing what they have learnt about Kenya and maybe choosing a different country to explore! What hemisphere is it in? What continent? Is it near the equator? What is the weather like? How is it different to the UK?