Class News

Summer 1: Week 3

Posted on Friday 03 May 2024 by Mr McGriffiths

This has been a very different week for everyone in Reception and the children have dealt with it marvellously. On Monday and Tuesday, Miss Lowry was in class teaching and getting to know everybody. Then for the rest of the week, Mr McGriffiths was teaching. It has been a great week and I have been very impressed by not only the children’s learning but also their attitude.


Our caterpillars continue to grow and are becoming very big now! We will be looking closely over the next week to see if they start to form their chrysalis.


This week we have been reading Walking through the jungle by Julie Lacome. We made story maps on Tuesday and then we wrote about what we might see if we went exploring through the jungle. There were some great ideas and I was very impressed by everybody’s writing!


This week in maths we have been learning about numbers bigger than 5. We have been learning to recognise these numbers by using the ‘5 and a bit’ structure. We started with 6 which is made from 5 and 1 and worked all the way up to 9. This will help us to subitise these numbers in the future.

Help at home by giving some objects for your child to count. Can they make a pattern of 5 first then see how many more? Encourage them to subitise in this way rather than count one by one.


We continued to play Hulk Smash and even started to compete in pairs which will help us when we play larger games higher up the school.

Poetry Picnic

This week the poem was the classic nursery rhyme, Sing a song of sixpence. We have been watching this video to help us remember it.

The final thing to say I have had a fantastic week in Reception and I have been really impressed by the children’s maturity, attitude and respectfulness. I can’t wait to get back on Tuesday for another week here!

Living and learning: health and prevention

Posted on Friday 03 May 2024 by Mr Roundtree

Over the past couple of weeks in Living and Learning, Year 4 have been learning about how we can keep our bodies healthy.

Last week, we learnt about germs and how we can prevent them from spreading and therefore keep ourselves well.

We started off the lesson by talking about the different types of germs there are; bacteria, viruses and fungi. These are all around us. Some are helpful but some are harmful!

We then discussed how quickly and easily germs can spread. We spent a lot of the lesson talking about the importance of hand washing and how this is the most effective way for us to combat spreading harmful germs.

Help at home by looking at this hand washing guide with your child to remind them to wash their hands thoroughly!

Science: virtual farm tour

Posted on Friday 03 May 2024 by Mr Wilks

This morning, we met Sam who took us on a virtual tour of a dairy farm.
We learnt about how a dairy farm works. Did you know that the cows wear a fitness tracker so the farmer knows how many steps they do each day and how long they spend lying down and standing up. This is so that the farmer can check on the health of the animals.
We learned about how the cows are milked and that they produce up to 50 litres of milk a day!

We learned about how the cows have been selectively bred for specific desirable characteristics. These cows are bred so that they produce a lot of milk. Other cows are selectively bred for their size so that they grow big and quick or for their hardiness so that they can live in tougher weather conditions.
We also learnt about how wheat production is similar. We produce wheat that has desirable characteristics like its size and its resistance to drought.

Writing a promotion – Venice and York

Posted on Thursday 02 May 2024 by Miss Birch

Year 3 have written a promotional piece about either York or Venice.

promotion persuades and tries to sell a product or experience.

These were our R2s:

  • present tense
  • adding connectives
  • alliteration
  • rhetorical questions
  • commands

The children researched what they wanted to talk about in their writing. For example, specific landmarks or places tourists could visit.

Here are just a few fantastic examples:

The vocabulary they’ve used it great and reading them definitely makes me want to visit York and Venice!

What is a rainforest?

Posted on Wednesday 01 May 2024 by Miss Wilson

“A rainforest is warm and humid filled with lots of trees,” said Ehtasham.

Edith the geographer stated, “The precipitation levels are extremely high.”

“There are four layers: forest floor, understory, canopy and emergent,” explained Betsy.

Tommy reminds us of the importance of the Amazon Rainforest, “It removes so much carbon from the atmosphere but it’s being cut down.”

Stellar spellers

Posted on Wednesday 01 May 2024 by Miss Wilson

Take a look at some fantastic spelling practice from Y6, this week.

Our focus has been unusual spelling patterns and the different ways you can write them in order to best remember them.

Help at home by practising spellings as part of writing sentences or when polishing your handwriting.

Science: A smelly experiment!

Posted on Wednesday 01 May 2024 by Miss Goswami

For this unit of science, we are chemists. We are currently learning about reversible and irreversible changes; this lesson was focused on irreversible changes. Irreversible means ‘when a change cannot be undone to get the same substances back again’.

In groups, the children measured the starting components – vinegar and bicarbonate of soda. Next, they added them together into a bottle, with a balloon on top, to collect the gas that was created (carbon dioxide). This was an irreversible reaction. The scientific enquiry type was comparative and fair tests.


Help at home: Discuss other irreversible changes. For example, burning toast.

Living and Learning: health and prevention

Posted on Sunday 28 April 2024 by Mrs Taylor

Over the last two weeks, Year 2 have been learning about keeping our bodies healthy.

Firstly, we considered good hygiene. Most microbes do not harm us and some are actually very helpful. However, some microbes can harm us and these are called germs.

We can’t get rid of every single germ but we can think about how to keep them away and stop them from spreading.

Good handwashing is a key part of being hygienic. We reminded ourselves of how to wash our hands properly.

We already use an important technique to stop germs spreading by covering our mouth and nose with the inside of our elbow (the vampire technique).

We also discussed the importance of sleep in our weekly circle time.

All of the children could give a good example of why sleep is important from helping our memory to helping us grow.

This website provides more information about the importance of sleep for children.

Dental health is another key aspect of being healthy.

We thought about teeth-friendly food and drink, how to keep our teeth clean and to understand how our adults and dentists help to keep our teeth healthy.

  • For children under 7 years, a pea-sized amount of toothpaste is recommended and brushing should be supervised.
  • Children should be encouraged to spit out after brushing rather than rinsing with water, so that the fluoride remains on the teeth.
  • It is recommended that water and plain milk are drunk.
  • Children aged 5-7 years should visit their dentist for a regular check-up (every 6 months)

Help at home: sleep, dental health and good hygiene are all important aspects of keeping healthy. Discuss with your child which of these they want to improve and the steps to do this.

Summer 1: Week 2

Posted on Friday 26 April 2024 by Mrs Wood

This week, we’ve been observing our caterpillars daily to see how much the they’ve grown.
We’ve also been talking about the life cycle of a butterfly.
Help at home: Can your child remember the four stages? Draw a picture of the life cycle.

We are super writers!
This week, we’ve been reading The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle. On Monday, we made our own story maps.

After reading and retelling the story, we used our imagination to write our own versions of The Very Hungry Caterpillar. We changed the main character and the food.

The Very Hungry Cat
The Very Hungry Spider
The Very Hungry Tiger
The Very Hungry Ladybird


On Tuesday, they enjoyed their first session of PE with Mr McGriffiths. This half-term, they’ll play a game called Hulk Smash to develop their balls skills.

This week, we continued to develop our subitising skills. We used our understanding of doubles to support our subitising skills when looking at different arrangements. We created arrangements of 6 using different objects. We thought carefully about how we can arrangement the objects so it’s easier to subitise– e.g. 2 groups of 3. We then played a game called Odd One Out. We had to spot an arrangement that was not 6.

Poetry Picnic
This week’s poem was called Under a Stone.

Thank you and goodbye Reception!
Reception, I’ve loved teaching you this year. From starting school to going on your first school trip, we’ve shared many amazing memories together. You’ve made tremendous progress and I’ve no doubt you’ll continue to shine and make your new teacher proud.

Finally, keep reading and enjoy the rest of your time in Reception! I look forward popping back into school to see you all with Baby Wood.


Living and learning: dental health

Posted on Friday 26 April 2024 by Mr McGriffiths

This week in Living and Learning we learnt all about our teeth and how to keep them healthy. First of all we discussed what are some of the things we need to do to keep our teeth healthy, including visiting the dentist and brushing them twice a day.

Then we talked about what types of food are best for our teeth and which foods damage our teeth. We were really good at telling the difference between the two.

Finally, we talked about how to brush our teeth properly. We discussed the different stages and then had a practise on some big teeth! I love this song to help children remember how to brush their teeth!


Help at home by talking to your child about their dental health and how to brush their teeth properly.